Middle School
Grades 6-8
Beginning at Red River north of Airbase Rd;NW on Red River to an Extension of Rapides Station Road;
South to Hwy 1202; SW to Bayou Rapides Road (both sides of Rapides Station and
Hwy. 1202 will attend Alexandria Middle and Bolton High); East to the Diversion
Canal; South on the canal to McAdams Ditch; East to Heyman Lane; South to
Dorchester; East to Jackson; NE to MacArthur Dr.; SE to Masonic Dr; NE to
Memorial Dr; East to Lee St.; North to Mason to Bolton Ave; NW on Bolton to
Rapides Ave; West to Veterans; NW across MacArthur to England Dr. to Enterprise
intersection; WNW past the SW corner of Sec 76, T4N, R1W to Airbase Rd; North to
Red River at origin.