St. Leonard Elementary School Boundaries


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The northern boundary of St. Leonard Elementary School follows part of the southern boundary of Barstow Elementary School from the intersection of Route 4 and Broomes Island Road to the Chesapeake Bay.

The eastern boundary of St. Leonard Elementary School follows the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.

The southern boundary of St. Leonard Elementary School begins at a point heading southwest from the Chesapeake Bay to the intersection of Route 4 and Sollers Wharf Road.  From the intersection of Route 4 and Sollers Wharf Road following the geographical divide of Johns Creek west to its outfall into St. Leonard’s Creek.

The western boundary of St. Leonard Elementary School follows the eastern boundary and the southern boundary of Mutual Elementary School to the point of beginning at the intersection of Route 4 and Broomes Island Road.

Roads and Subdivisions situated in the SLES Boundary include, but are not limited to, the following: Any and all homes off of Governor Run Road, Kenwood Beach, Western Shores, St. Leonard Proper, Kings Creek Estates, Calvert Beach Estates, Calvert Beach, Flag Harbor, Long Beach, Parrans Grant, Walnut Cove, White Sands