******************************************************************************* A NOTE ON METADATA FORMATS FOR THIS DATA SET: In addition to the .html version of the metadata for this data set, the .lgr and .xml versions are also included. * The .html version is provided for viewing. * The .xml version is a generic format that can be imported into ESRI’s ArcCatalog metadata management tool and other available metadata tools. * The .lgr version can be edited using the DataLogr metadata entry tool. The .xml and .lgr are provided for the convenience of the data user who would like to document changes they have made to the original data set. By opening the .xml with ArcCatalog or the .lgr file with DataLogr, the user can edit the metadata as needed. (Note: MnGeo recommends that if you change the data file, you rename it and create a new metadata record with the new data set name, to avoid confusion between the user-revised data set and the original.) To obtain a free copy of DataLogr, to customize ArcCatalog to use the Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines, or to find other help with metadata, go to http://www.mngeo.state.mn.us/chouse/meta.html or email clearing.house@state.mn.us *******************************************************************************