Bolton High School
Grades 9-12
at Red River north of River Road; South on River Road and continuing south on
Rapides Station Road to Hwy. 1202; SW on Hwy. 1202 continuing to Hwy. 496 west
of Cooper Road (both sides of Rapides Station and Hwy. 1202 will attend
Alexandria Middle and Bolton High); East on Hwy. 496 to the Diversion Canal;
South to McAdams Ditch; east on McAdams Ditch to Heyman Lane; South on Heyman
Lane to Bayou Robert; Follow Bayou Robert to Versailles Boulevard; East on
Versaillles to Jackson; continue across Jackson to McNutt to Plantation Drive;
East to Prescott and beyond to MacArthur Drive passing south of Greenway
subdivision; NW to Masonic Drive; NE to
Memorial; east to Lee Street; North to Mason Street and
continue to Bringhurst; NW to Bolton Avenue and continue to Rapides
Avenue; West to Veterans; NW on Veterans across MacArthur Drive to England
Drive; continue NW on England Drive to the intersection of Enterprise Road; WNW
to the SW corner of Sec. 76, T4N, R1W and continue in a straight line to Airbase
Rd; north to Red River; NW on Red River
to origin.