Census TIGER® 2000 Data from Geography NetworkWe are pleased that you are using the Census TIGER® 2000 data available through Geography Network. The Geography Network TIGER® data set includes over 70,000 compressed files of geographic data that are available for download. Each file represents a data layer for a single county in the United States. As data layers are requested for download, ESRI assembles all the files and packages them as a single .ZIP file for download. HOW TO ACCESS THE DATA To access the data, you must decompress the .ZIP file that was downloaded and then decompress each of data layer .ZIP files it contains. This can be done using a compression tool such as WinZip or PK Unzip or using ESRI's ArcExplorer software. Once the data layers have been decompressed, you can display the data using GIS sofware such as ESRI's ArcExplorer or ArcView GIS. Simply use the "add theme" function for each of the shapefiles. FILE NAMING CONVENTION Each data file name is a combination of a layer abbreviation (e.g. 'blk') and a 5-digit County FIPS Code (e.g. '53001') and the file extension (e.g. '.zip' or '.shp'). For example, the compressed county data layer for Cook County, Illinois would be named 'cty17031.zip'. The data layers contained within the .ZIP file contain a TIGER® abbreviation prefix (i.e. 'tgr') followed by the County FIPS and layer abbreviation (e.g. 'tgr17031cty.shp'). Below is a list of the abbreviations for each of the TIGER® data layers.
DATA DOCUMENTATION Documentation for the TIGER® 2000 data can be found on the Census Web site at the URL addresses below: