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Google Search This Site Use of School Facilities H1N1 Information & Forms School Zones <../divison_rezone.php> Athletics <../division_athletics.php> Budget Bus Routes <../forparents_transportation.php#busroutes> Cafeteria Menu CIP Calendars <../division_calendars.php> Cancellations Program of Studies Employment Forms GED School Board Special Education Testing Requests for Proposal <../rfp.php> <../rfp.php> Parent Portal Intranet Web Access E-mail Salaries 09 Pay Scales <../budget/Salaries/Salary Scales FY10.pdf> SubFinder MyLearningPlan Interactive Achievement CCPS Help Desk PowerSchool PowerTeacher CCPS Blogs e-Stubs School Zones High School Attendance Zones Begin on Culpeper?s western border on Sperryville Pike (U.S. Route 522). Head east on Sperryville Pike and follow it all the way into the Culpeper town limits. Once you get to downtown, turn left onto North Main Street. Follow James Madison Highway (U.S. Route 15/29 Business) as it curves to the east and turns into Brandy Road. Continue along Brandy Road and pass the cloverleaf-style interchange for U.S. 15/29. The boundary follows Brandy Road to its dead end and connects just beyond the dead end to James Madison Highway (U.S. Route 15/29). Head east along James Madison Highway until you cross the eastern border of the county into Fauquier. Students living north of this line will attend Culpeper County High School, while those residing south of it will attend Eastern View High School. High school zones map Middle School Attendance Zones Begin on Culpeper?s western border on Sperryville Pike (U.S. Route 522). Head east on Sperryville Pike, then turn southeast just past Sperryville Pike?s intersection with Gibson Mill Road. Follow the northern border of Culpeper Lakes, passing in between BW Lane and Malvelka Court. Meet up with the northwest corner of Franklin Meadows and follow the town boundary to the southeast. Just north of Country Club Estates, head due east and follow the southern boundary of the Lakeview subdivision. Continue along Lakeview, and follow the western border of Yowell Meadow Park until you reach the end of Gardner Street. Head north on Gardner Street, meet back with Sperryville Pike, and turn right. The road turns into Evans Street and leads you into downtown. Once you get to downtown, turn left onto North Main Street. Follow James Madison Highway (U.S. Route 15/29 Business) as it curves to the east and turns into Brandy Road. Continue along Brandy Road and pass the cloverleaf-style interchange for U.S. 15/29. The boundary follows Brandy Road to its dead end and connects just beyond the dead end to James Madison Highway (U.S. Route 15/29). Head east along James Madison Highway until you cross the eastern border of the county into Fauquier. Students living north of this line will attend Culpeper Middle School, with those residing south of it will attend Floyd T. Binns Middle School. Middle school zones map Elementary Attendance Zones A.G. Richardson Elementary School Start at the county line on Eggbornsville Road and head southeast, splitting Eggbornsville on each side north and south. At the intersection of Stonehouse Mountain Road, turn south overland and parallel the road to its west. Connect with Sperryville Pike at its intersection with Stonehouse Mountain Road. Then, continue east and pass Mill Stone Lane and Apperson Lane to your north and Laurel Valley Place and Scantlin Mountain Road to your south. Meet up at the intersection of Cherry Hill Road and Woodland Church Road, then directly southeast to Sperryville Pike. Head down Sperryville Pike; those to the south of the Pike go to A.G. Richardson, while students to the north will attend Yowell. As you pass Gibson Mill Road, thread between BW Lane and the northern border of Culpeper Lakes. When you reach the town boundary, follow it south past Madison Road down to the Elizabeth?s Crossing neighborhood. Cut southwest and pass in between the two elementary schools, meeting up with James Madison Hwy (U.S. Route 15). Pass the Virginia Baptist Home for the Aged and turn right on Madison Road. Continue west, passing Friendship Heights and Three Flags to your north, and Anderson Meadows, Cedarbrook, and Clairmont Manor to your south. Proceed north along Three Flag?s western boundary and meet back with James Monroe Highway (U.S. Route 15) at Gaines Run Road. Head west from here, splitting James Monroe Highway down its middle, and stay on it until White Shop Road. Head southeast on White Shop Road, but parallel it just to the south of the road to ensure that both sides of White Shop are included in Pearl Sample?s zone. At the intersection of White Shop Road, South Merrimac Road, and Kirtley Trail, turn southwest and travel between Wayland Manor and Whitestone Estates. Continue southwest, keeping Dove Hill Road and its connecting dead-end roads to the east. Dove Hill Road will attend Pearl Sample. End at the county line just north of General Winder Road. Close-up jpeg of AGRES Emerald Hill Elementary School Begin at the western county boundary and continue down Eggbornsville Road. Head east on Drogheda Mountain Road. Both sides of Drogheda Mountain Road, including any adjoining dead-end roads, attend Emerald Hill. Continue on to the intersection at Alum Springs Road. Turn right and head southeast to the intersection of Chestnut Forks Road. Both sides of Dutch Hollow Road will attend Emerald Hill. Head east and cross at the intersection of Rixeyville and Chestnut Forks Road, and continue east in between Kavanaugh Meads and Ridgelea. Both sides of Chestnut Forks Road go to Sycamore Park. Connect with Auburn Road, then follow it east to the intersection with Inlet Road. Continue east overland, traversing Glebe Farm Road, the breaking due northeast. You will cross Alanthus Road and Farley Road, then keep Brandy Downs Lane to your south. Keep north of St. James Church Road and finish at the county boundary just north of Glenna Lake Lane. Close-up jpeg of EHES Farmington Elementary School Begin at Orange Road where it intersects with the town boundary. Follow the town boundary west past Madison Road as it moves to the north. Just as you pass the Country Club Estates subdivision, break away from the town boundary and head east. Continue along the southern and eastern boundaries of Lakeview, then head northeast and connect to Gardner Street. Head north on Gardner Street, turn right onto Sperryville Pike, and follow it to the intersection of Main Street. Turn right on Main Street, then left on Piedmont Street. Both sides of Piedmont from Main Street to Wine Street will attend Pearl Sample. The boundary then turns due south just past the intersection of East and Piedmont Streets. Continue south in this manner, staying parallel to the east of East Street (both sides of East Street attend Farmington), until you get to Chandler Street. Move east on Chandler Street, staying to the north of the road just slightly (both sides of Chandler attend Farmington). This will cross between Copper Ridge and Mountain Brook Estates. Follow Chandler to the north as it becomes Keyser Road, then proceed north along Keyser to the intersection with Nalles Mill Road. Both sides of Nalles Mill Road will attend Pearl Sample. Follow Nalles Mill Road to Braggs Corner Road. Turn right and follow James Madison Highway to the southwest, crossing over Germanna Highway (Route 3), and then moving back over to the town boundary right afterwards. End at the intersection of the town line and Orange Road. Close-up jpeg of FES Pearl Sample Elementary School Start at the Culpeper county line just north of General Winder Rd. Head northeast and keep Dove Hill Road to your east, splitting between Wayland Manor and Whitestone Estates, and connecting at the intersection with Kirtley Trail. Both sides of Dove Hill Road and all dead-end roads connecting to it will go to Pearl Sample. When the line reaches the intersection of White Shop Road, South Merrimac Road, and Kirtley Trail, turn left and head northwest along the southern edge of White Shop Road. Both sides of White Shop Road are in Pearl Sample?s attendance district. White Shop Road ends at James Monroe Highway (U.S. Route 29), so continue east along the middle of James Monroe Highway (only the southern side attends Pearl Sample). At Gaines Run Road, break south and follow along the western property line of the Three Flags subdivision. The boundary then passes east, with Friendship Heights and the rest of Three Flags to the north, and Anderson Meadows, Cedarbrook, and Clairmont Manor to the south. Reach the intersection of Madison Road and James Madison Hwy (U.S. Route 15) and head east past the Virginia Baptist Home for the Aged. Cut north and in between A.G. Richardson Elementary and Pearl Sample Elementary, stopping momentarily at the town boundary. Follow the town line east, crossing over Orange Road, then break away from the town line and follow James Madison Highway (U.S. 15/29) as it traverses Germanna Highway (Route 3) to the intersection of Braggs Corner Road. Follow it northwest to Nalles Mill Road, then turn left on to Keyser Road. Stay southwest on Keyser Road until it meets up with Chandler Street. Take Chandler Street into town, but stay along its northern edge (students living on the north and south side of Chandler Street go to Farmington). Once you hit East Street, head north along the eastern edge of East Street (both sides of East Street attend Farmington). Bear west just before Piedmont Street and follow Piedmont to Main Street. Both sides of Piedmont Street from Wine Street to Main Street will attend Pearl Sample. Turn right at Main Street and travel due north on Main to meet up with James Madison Highway (U.S. Route 15/29 Business). Continue east on James Madison Highway to the town boundary, then follow the town line north past the Madison Grove subdivision. Head further north at this point, right between Northridge and the Greens at Northridge and cross over Ira Hoffman Lane. Begin heading east overland by keeping Cleveland Lane, Green Garden Lane, and Bradford Road to your south. Turn north just before you reach Inlet Road, and cross over Auburn Road. Head east, keeping Auburn Road to your south and cross Glebe Farm Road at its intersection with Auburn Road. After the crossing, cut to the northeast and continue straight on over Alanthus Road at Farley Road. This route keeps Brandy Downs Lane south of it. Finally, continue overland and end at the county line, with St. James Church Road and Glenna Lake Lane to the south of the attendance line. Close-up jpeg of PSES Sycamore Park Elementary School Begin downtown at the intersection of Main and Evans Streets. Head north on Main Street, and turn right onto James Madison Hwy (U.S. Route 15/29 Business). Head north at Ira Hoffman Lane and follow the town boundary. The line stays north of Meadows of Culpeper, but south of Northridge. Then, continue due north between Northridge and Greens at Northridge, meeting back up with Ira Hoffman Lane. Cross Ira Hoffman Lane, then bear east, keeping Cleveland Lane to the south of the boundary. Continue east and keep well north of Bradford Road while passing the Churchill subdivision to the community?s south. Turn north just before you reach Inlet Road and cross Auburn Road. Both sides of Inlet attend Pearl Sample. Then, turn west on Auburn Road, keeping Brandy Station Plantation to your north until the intersection with Chestnut Forks Road. Travel west from here, with Kavanaugh Meads to the north and Ridgelea to the south. Meet up with Rixeyville Road at the intersection of Rixeyville and Chestnut Forks Roads. Both sides of Chestnut Forks Road goes to Sycamore Park. Keep west across Rixeyville Road, then north as you reach Dutch Hollow Road. Follow Dutch Hollow Road as you continue northwest to the intersection of Drogheda Mountain Road and Alum Springs Road. Both sides of Dutch Hollow Road will attend Emerald Hill. Proceed west on Drogheda Mountain Road, with all dead-end roads feeding off of it also attending Emerald Hill. Then, meet up with Eggbornsville Road at its intersection of Drogheda Mountain Road. From here, travel southwest on Stonehouse Mountain Road to the intersection of Sperryville Pike. Both sides of Stonehouse Mountain Road will attend Sycamore Park, along with any dead-end roads connected to it. Proceed east and follow Cherry Hill Road to the intersection of Woodland Church Road. This portion of Cherry Hill Road and any connecting dead-ends will attend A.G. Richardson. Head southeast overland and pass Chesterfield Lane to your north and both Turner Lane and St. Jameson?s Road to your south. Connect with the town boundary and head southeast to the intersection of Sperryville Pike and Gardner Street. Follow Sperryville Pike into town where it becomes Evans Street and intersects back with Main Street. Close-up jpeg of SPES Yowell Elementary School Beginning at the intersection of Sperryville Pike and Gardner Street, head south on Gardner Street, passing Yowell Meadow Park to the east. The line continues down past the end of Gardner Street and wraps behind Lakeview as it continues southeast. Follow the southern border of Lakeview, and then proceed due west and match up with the town boundary. Keep along the town boundary, passing by Wayland Manor and Franklin Meadows. At the northwest corner of Franklin Meadows, head northwest and follow along the northern boundary of Culpeper Lakes, then break north once you pass BW Lane to Sperryville Pike. Head west on Sperryville Pike, then turn north just past the intersection with Scott Street. Connect to the intersection of Cherry Hill Road and Woodland Church Road, and head southeast overland from here. The boundary travels east, then southeast, and passes Chesterfield Lane to your north and both Turner Lane and St. Jameson?s Road to your south. Cross into town and keep going to the southeast, until you match up at the dead end of Gardner Street, and end up back at the starting point. 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