Identification Information: Citation: Citation Information: Originator: Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems (MEGIS) Publication Date: 20090526 Publication Time: Unknown Title: schlib Edition: v6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data Series Information: Series Name: Maine GIS Issue Identification: SDE server; Internet Data Catalog Publication Information: Publication Place: Augusta ME Publisher: Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Other Citation Details: 1:24000 Online Linkage: Description: Abstract: SCHLIB shows point locations of libraries and educational institutions in Maine at 1:24,000 scale. Vocational/technical schools, high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, kindergarten/sub-primary and other educational facilities are included. The data was developed on 1:24000 scale base derived from USGS 1:24000 scale quadrangle maps. MEGIS staff created the coverage in 1995, in 1997 the data was verified and updated. In 2003, the positional accuracy and completeness of the schools and libraries were checked by county Emergency Management Agencies (EMA) and municipal officials and additional attribution was added by MEGIS for name, address, phone numbers and grade levels. In 2009 anonther major upgrade was made based on data from the Dept. Of Education and the high resolutioin orthoimagery. Locations are believed to be close to the facilities but they are still approximate only. Purpose: Data development for SCHLIB began with the Maine GENIE project (General Economic Numerical Information Exchange) with cooperation from the Maine Department of Education and Maine schools and libraries. Not intended for use at scales greater than 1:24000. Time Period of Content: Time Period Information: Single Date/Time: Calendar Date: 2004 Time of Day: Unknown Currentness Reference: source dates Status: Progress: Complete Maintenance and Update Frequency: Unknown Spatial Domain: Bounding Coordinates: West Bounding Coordinate: -70.95069 East Bounding Coordinate: -66.8912 North Bounding Coordinate: 47.33806 South Bounding Coordinate: 43.08085 Keywords: Theme: Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO Keyword Thesaurus Theme Keyword: society Theme Keyword: structure Theme: Theme Keyword Thesaurus: Maine GIS Thesaurus-Theme Theme Keyword: infrastructure Theme Keyword: schools Theme Keyword: libraries Theme Keyword: emergency preparedness Place: Place Keyword Thesaurus: Maine GIS Thesaurus-Place Place Keyword: Maine Place Keyword: United States Stratum: Stratum Keyword Thesaurus: GCMD Parameter Keyword Stratum Keyword: human dimensions Access Constraints: Secondary distribution by permission only. Please see Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems (MEGIS) License Agreement at . Any secondary distribution must have this documentation appended. Use Constraints: Users must assume responsibility in determining the usability of this data for their purposes. Digital maps retain the accuracy of their source materials. The best use of data mapped at scales of 1:500,000 and 1:250,000 is in statewide planning and studies; at 1:100,000 in regional planning and studies; at 1:62,500 and 1:24,000 in detailed studies and local planning; and at 1:12,000 and 1:5,000 or larger scales in parcel level studies and detailed local planning. In the use of Maine GIS data, please check sources, scale, accuracy, currentness and other available information. Please confirm that you are using the correct copy of both data and metadata from the Maine GIS Data Catalog. The Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems (MEGIS) provides notice of updates and corrections directly to the Maine GIS Technical Group and Maine GIS Users, through the MEGISTECH and MEGISUSER list servers. To subscribe please contact MeGIS through the Maine Office of Information Technology (OIT) Customer Support Center (CSC) at (207) 624-7700. To request data correction in, or provide updates to Maine GIS data, please use the contact information contained in the metadata. Updates, corrections, and feedback, incorporated in the Maine GIS database are made in accordance with "Data Standards for Maine Geographic Information Systems", 2002, and coordinated by MEGIS in consultation with the Maine GIS Executive Council. Point of Contact: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEDOE) Maine Department of Education Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 23 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333 0023 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: 207 624 6600 Contact TDD/TTY Telephone: 1 888 577 6690 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 207 624 6700 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800-1700 EST Data Set Credit: Credit should always be given to the data source and/or originator when the data is transferred or printed. Native Data Set Environment: Maine Office of Information Technology (OIT) Oracle 9i, Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems (MEGIS), Maine GIS SDE, SDEUSER, SDE.DEFAULT, Maine GIS Internet Data Catalog Data Quality Information: Attribute Accuracy: Attribute Accuracy Report: MEGIS staff created the coverage in 1995, and used the 1997 Maine State Library school and library database to verify and update the data. Attribute coding in the coverage was verified at MEGIS by visual check of point attributes against data from Maine State Library (MSL). Additional refinement of the attribution has been ongoing from 1997 to 2003 based on multiple sources of information. In 2009 significant attribute updates were made based on data downloaded from the Maine Dept. Of Education. Logical Consistency Report: The data set is POINTS. Data set meets "Data Standards for Maine Geographic Information Systems" (2002). All points have a single unique user-id number. Incomplete or blank attribution exists, for some points, where only location information was provided. Completeness Report: Data set is complete. Positional Accuracy: Horizontal Positional Accuracy: Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: Locations are approximate only. Data was compiled on a 1:24000 scale base and is considered suitable for use at 1:24,000 scale. Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment: Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value: 12 Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation: Compilation base data meets National Map Accuracy Standards for 1:24,000 scale. Lineage: Source Information: Source Citation: Citation Information: Originator: Maine Department of Education (MEDOE) Publication Date: 19950701 Publication Time: Unknown Title: (EDDIR) Maine Educational Directories Geospatial Data Presentation Form: atlas Series Information: Series Name: Maine Educational Directories Issue Identification: School Administrative Unit Index of Municipalities Publication Information: Publication Place: Augusta ME Publisher: Maine Department of Education Other Citation Details: The Department of Education supplied a physical list of townships in each district during the summer of 1995. Online Linkage: Source Scale Denominator: 999999 Type of Source Media: paper and online Source Time Period of Content: Time Period Information: Single Date/Time: Calendar Date: 7/1/1995 Time of Day: Unknown Source Currentness Reference: publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: eddir Source Contribution: The Maine GENIE project obtained information on Maine schools for the development of SCHLIB from the Maine Department of Education Maine Educational Directories. Source Information: Source Citation: Citation Information: Originator: Maine State Library (MESL) Publication Date: unpublished material Publication Time: Unknown Title: (LIBDIR) Maine Library Directory Geospatial Data Presentation Form: tabular digital data Series Information: Series Name: Maine State Library Searchable Databases Issue Identification: Maine Library Directory Publication Information: Publication Place: Augusta ME Publisher: Maine State Library Other Citation Details: The Maine State Library maintains and publishes the Maine Library Directory as part of the URSUS system. The directory provides information about Maine libraries by town, name, director, or type (public, school, academic, and special). Online Linkage: Source Scale Denominator: 99999 Type of Source Media: online Source Time Period of Content: Time Period Information: Single Date/Time: Calendar Date: 1997 Time of Day: Unknown Source Currentness Reference: publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: libdir Source Contribution: In a 1997 update and improvement of SCHLIB, the Maine State Library Maine Library Directory was used to verify school and library data. Source Information: Source Citation: Citation Information: Originator: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Publication Date: multiple dates Publication Time: Unknown Title: (24k) USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Geospatial Data Presentation Form: map Series Information: Series Name: National Mapping Program Standard Series Topographic Maps Issue Identification: USGS 7.5 Minute Map Series Publication Information: Publication Place: Reston VA Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Other Citation Details: 24000 Publication date is unique to each quadrangle in the map series. Standard 7.5x7.5 minute quadrangles cover geographic areas of 49 to 71 square miles. 1 inch at map scale represents 2000 feet. Online Linkage: Source Scale Denominator: 24000 Type of Source Media: stable-base material (mylar) Source Time Period of Content: Time Period Information: Range of Dates/Times: Beginning Date: 1/1/1948 Beginning Time: Unknown Ending Date: Present Ending Time: Unknown Source Currentness Reference: publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: 24k Source Contribution: Data for SCHLIB was compiled on a USGS 1:24000 scale base. Process Step: Process Description: Maps were sent by the Maine Department of Education to a contact at each school district. Each school district contact marked the location of schools in their district on the maps and labeled them. MEGIS automated the school locations as shown on the maps returned by the district contacts. Locations were automated as points in ARC/INFO with unique identifiers added by MEGIS and attribution from school districts, viz: name of school, number of grades. Source Used Citation Abbreviation: libdir Process Date: 19950101 Process Contact: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEGIS) Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (207) 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (207) 287-3842 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Process Step: Process Description: MEGIS edited, corrected and added to the automated data in 1997. Points were added for colleges and universities at their closest approximate location. In the case of building complexes, the center of the complex was chosen as the location point. The Maine State Library school and library database was used as a QAQC tool and links were created between these databases and the point coverage to accomplish updates. Source Used Citation Abbreviation: eddir Source Used Citation Abbreviation: libdir Process Date: 19971231 Process Contact: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEGIS) Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (207) 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (207) 287-3842 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Process Step: Process Description: The Maine Office of GIS completed the conversion of all final data layers from NAD27 to NAD83 in July 1999. All the data layers were converted using the ArcInfo (version 7.2.1) NADCON conversion and the "project" command. All data was copied to double precision, projected to NAD83, and then copied back to single precision. It was decided to keep the NAD27 quad structure instead of generating new quad boundaries from NAD83 coordinates - all indexes (quads) were projected to NAD83 by using the same process previously described. All MEGIS data libraries in ArcInfo Librarian were repopulated using the NAD83 indexes and data. Process Date: 19990701 Process Contact: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEGIS) Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (207) 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (207) 287-3842 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Process Step: Process Description: Large scale maps of each town were sent to the county Emergency Management Agencies with base features, e911 roads,road names and locations emergency service and related facilities. EMA staff and/or municipal officials edited these maps with respect to location of and information about these facilities and returned the edited maps to MEGIS. MEGIS staff made the necessary updates to the Arc/Info coverages. Source Used Citation Abbreviation: 24k Process Date: 20030903 Process Contact: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEGIS) Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (207) 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (207) 287-3842 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Process Step: Process Description: One correction was made. A duplicate point representing the Lakes Region High School in Naples was removed. No other changes were made Process Date: 20040224 Process Contact: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEGIS) Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (207) 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (207) 287-3842 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Process Step: Process Description: In 2009 a major upgrade was made to SCHLIB. MEGIS staff downloaded from the Maine Dept. Of Education (DOE) a complete list of all approved public & private schools K thru 12. There may be a few private schools that are not approved and so not listed. The site was: Address geocoding was used to locate 87% of the DOE listings. The remaning facilities were located by various means for a total of 774 K-12 facilities as compared to 789 K-12 facilites in the previous SCHLIB. The same attributes were retained along with the same enumerated domains but with the new new information. The entries for colleges, technical colleges and universities ( TYPE = C, T, U ) were updated using the the new data layer COLLEGES. The entries for Vocational instituions were modified to comform with the DOE lisitng for "Carreer and Technical Education Centers" . The DOE had a new total of 19 as compared to 15 in the previous SCHLIB. Using the latest orthoimagery, NAIP2007 and DRGCLIP MEGIS staff adjusted the school points where it was clear they needed to be moved. The order or priority in location was: A. The center of a building or approximate center of a complex of buildings. This is not always possible especially in built up areas where the school building or buildings are not obvious B. The driveway into an area of buildings one or more of which are probably the object. C. The roadway location nearest the area of buildings one or more of which are probably the object. Both A and B are helped by the fact that the great majority of listings from DOE had valid and presumably accurate physical street addresses. D. A general location thought to be near to the object. This is determined by weighing all evidence and making an educated guess. Process Date: 20090526 Process Contact: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEGIS) Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (207) 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (207) 287-3842 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Cloud Cover: 0 Spatial Data Organization Information: Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector Point and Vector Object Information: SDTS Terms Description: SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: Entity point Point and Vector Object Count: 1134 Spatial Reference Information: Horizontal Coordinate System Definition: Planar: Grid Coordinate System: Grid Coordinate System Name: Universal Transverse Mercator 1983 Universal Transverse Mercator: UTM Zone Number: 19 Transverse Mercator: Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.9996 Longitude of Central Meridian: -69 Latitude of Projection Origin: 0 False Easting: 500000 False Northing: 0 Planar Coordinate Information: Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: Coordinate Pair Coordinate Representation: Abscissa Resolution: 1 Ordinate Resolution: 1 Planar Distance Units: meters Geodetic Model: Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid Name: Geodetic Reference System 80 Semi-major Axis: 6378137 Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 298.257 Entity and Attribute Information: Detailed Description: Entity Type: Entity Type Label: SCHLIB Entity Type Definition: point feature class Entity Type Definition Source: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) Attribute: Attribute Label: ADD1 Attribute Definition: Primary address. The street address if known, otherwise the mailing address. Attribute Definition Source: Maine Department of Education Attribute: Attribute Label: ADD2 Attribute Definition: The secondary address, usually the mailing address. Attribute Definition Source: Maine Department of Education Attribute: Attribute Label: COUNTY Attribute Definition: Name of Maine county in which school is located. Attribute: Attribute Label: GRADE Attribute Definition: Grade levels if applicable. (Kindergarten thru 12th grade) Attribute Definition Source: Maine Department of Education Ending Date of Attribute Values: 20090525 Attribute: Attribute Label: NAME Attribute Definition: Name of the library or educational institution. Attribute Definition Source: Maine Department of Education Attribute: Attribute Label: PHONE Attribute Definition: The main phone number for the school. Attribute Definition Source: Maine Department of Education Attribute: Attribute Label: STATE Attribute Definition: These schools are in Maine. The field is provided for addressing lists. Attribute: Attribute Label: TOWN Attribute Definition: The township in which the school is located. Attribute Definition Source: Maine Department of Education Attribute: Attribute Label: TYPE Attribute Definition: The type of school facility represented by a set letter code. Attribute Definition Source: Maine Office of GIS Attribute Domain Values: Enumerated Domain: Enumerated Domain Value: C Enumerated Domain Value Definition: College Enumerated Domain Value: E Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Elementary school, nominally grades 1-6 Enumerated Domain Value: M Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Middle school, nominally grades 7-8 Enumerated Domain Value: H Enumerated Domain Value Definition: High School, grades 9-12 Enumerated Domain Value: K Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Kindergarten or sub-primary school Enumerated Domain Value: L Enumerated Domain Value Definition: All public libraries. This does not include school libraries. Enumerated Domain Value: T Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Technical colleges Enumerated Domain Value: U Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Universities Enumerated Domain Value: V Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Vocational-Technical schools Enumerated Domain Value: X Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Other schools - Ending Date of Attribute Values: 20030903 Attribute: Attribute Label: ZIP Attribute Definition: postal code Overview Description: Entity and Attribute Overview: The attribute values for ADD1, ADD2, NAME, TOWN, PHONE and GRADE were taken from files made available by the Maine Department of Education in 2009: The other attributes and values were provided by MEGIS staff from various sources. Entity and Attribute Detail Citation: The ArcView shapefile and ArcGIS geodatabase formats, commonly used for Maine GIS data, carry default identifiers and attributes that are software generated and/or important for internal recordkeeping. These are listed here to avoid repetition for every layer, and may not be repeated in the attribute descriptions and definitions of each layer. Common software generated identifiers and attributes in Maine GIS data include: FID (feature identifier), Shape (feature geometry), OBJECTID and SHAPE_lengt. In addition, most GIS formats will carry fields for PERIMETER, AREA and/or LENGTH according to feature geometry. These fields are typically available by default, with the units based on coordinate system or projection units of GIS data. Most GIS software packages also provide a means to calculate these values. It is important to test any columns containing PERIMETER, AREA or LENGTH values before using them for analysis purposes. These important values can be carried from format to format and become out-dated. Verify that the values are correct. Also, in your GIS software, please view the properties of data layers for the map units used to calculate these fields, and for the units set for display purposes. Distribution Information: Distributor: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEGIS) Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (207) 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (207) 287-3842 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Distribution Liability: Users must assume responsibility to determine the usability of this data for their purposes. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems, no warranty expressed or implied is made by MEGIS regarding the utility of the data on any other system, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Neither the Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems, nor any of its contributors, is liable for misuse of the data, for damage, for transmission of viruses, or for computer contamination through the distribution of these data sets. Standard Order Process: Digital Form: Digital Transfer Information: Format Name: ESRI Shapefile Format Version Number: ARC Version 9.x Format Specification: ArcView Shapefile Format Format Information Content: MEGIS has made all vector layers, in the Maine GIS Internet Data Catalog, available in ESRI's ArcView shapefile format. A shapefile is a simple non-topological format that stores the geometry and attribute information for a set of geographic features as a set of vector (point, line, polygon) coordinates. Shapefiles draw quickly and directly in ArcView, ArcGIS, ArcExplorer. Shapefiles are a compatible data type for many other types of GIS software. Three files are fundamental to each shapefile: .shp stores the feature geometry (shape and location information); .shx stores the index of the feature geometry; .dbf a dBASE (TM) file stores the attribute information for the features. Other index files may be created to help speed analysis and query: these file formats are .sbn .sbx .ain .aix .fbn and .fbx. In addition you may find projection .prj, and metadata .xml, files associated with shapefiles. File Decompression Technique: Data available from this website is in .zip compressed format. WinZip is a Windows based, PKZip-compatible compression utility. You will need a program like this to extract the data. A link to a trial copy WinZip software is available at Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Computer Contact Information: Network Address: Network Resource Name: Access Instructions: These data are available to Internet browsers for download from the Maine GIS Internet Data Catalog. Data available from this website is in .zip compressed format. WinZip is a Windows based, PKZip-compatible compression utility. You will need a program like this to extract the data. A link to a trial copy WinZip software is available at If you are not already a GIS user, free software for viewing these files is available from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). See for a link to ArcExplorer 9.x . Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Access Instructions: Where file size and Internet access permit, data requests can be made available via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Digital Form: Digital Transfer Information: Format Name: ESRI Shapefile Format Version Number: ARC Version 9.x Format Specification: ArcView Shapefile Format Format Information Content: MEGIS has made all layers, in the Internet Data Catalog, available in ESRI's ArcView shapefile format. A shapefile is a simple non-topological format that stores the geometry and attribute information for a set of geographic features as a set of vector (point, line, polygon) coordinates. Shapefiles draw quickly and directly in ArcView, ArcGIS, and ArcExplorer; an existing ARC/INFO coverage can be converted to a shapefile by export; other spatial data formats can be converted to shapefiles. Three files are created for each shapefile: .shp stores the feature geometry (shape and location information); .shx stores the index of the feature geometry; .dbf a dBASE (TM) file stores the attribute information for the features. Other index files may be created to help speed analysis and query: these file formats are .sbn .sbx .ain .aix .fbn and .fbx. In addition you may find projection .prj, and metadata .xml, files associated with shapefiles. CAUTION: When you edit an existing theme or shapefile you are creating a new version of a source; give your version a new name or a version identifier to reflect your edits. Be prepared to fully document your sources and to both quantify and qualify the edits you make in order to facilitate coordination with other data sources. PLEASE NOTE: conversion to shapefile format changes some characters ( # - .) to underscores; item names over 10 characters are truncated. An effort will be made over time to consider these limitations in item names, and to eliminate the use of these characters in Maine GIS data development. It should not be assumed that a conversion from shapefile back to coverage will produce the same data. The results of such a conversion are greatly improved by the use of PRECISION setting DOUBLE, DOUBLE and careful management of tolerances. Shapefiles tolerate overlapping features, coverages maintain these with correct attribution only if a REGIONS subclass is specified and retained. Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Access Instructions: These data are available to Internet browsers for download from the Maine GIS Internet Data Catalog. All data available from this website is in .zip compressed format. WinZip is a Windows based, PKZip-compatible compression utility. You will need a program like this to extract the data. A link to a trial copy WinZip software is available at If you are not already a GIS user, a link to free software for import and viewing of these files, Import71 and ArcExplorer from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), is available at Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Access Instructions: Where file size and Internet access permit, data requests can be made available via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Fees: Data may be downloaded from Maine GIS Internet Data Catalog at no charge. Turnaround: Data is available for immediate download from the Maine GIS Internet Data Catalog. Standard Order Process: Standard Order Process: Digital Form: Digital Transfer Information: Format Name: ARCE Format Version Number: ARC Version 8.3 Format Specification: ARC/INFO Export Format Format Information Content: An Arc/Info export file is an interchange format used to transfer spatial data, INFO data files, and other ESRI ARC/INFO files between various machine types. Export files have the suffix .e00 and contain, in fixed-length ASCII format, all spatial information available for each feature. The command IMPORT is available in A/I to convert the export file to original format, i.e. coverage, grid, or other spatial data file. Import will add a spatial data file and a related INFO file to a machine directory. ESRI's ArcView is packaged with an import utility called IMPORT71 for the same export file conversion. The utility is also available through the FREE software link on the Maine GIS Data Catlaog under "CDProducts" at or from ESRI at CARE MUST BE TAKEN after import, not to separate the spatial information from its related INFO file. Since export files are in ASCII format make sure any file transfer method like FTP is executed under ASCII mode. Binary transfer will not work correctly. Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Access Instructions: Anyone with an Internet browser can view and download these data from Please follow instructions on the website for the Internet Data Catalog. Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Access Instructions: Where file size and Internet access permit, data requests can be made available via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from the ftp address Digital Form: Digital Transfer Information: Format Name: ESRI Shapefile Format Version Number: ARC Version 8.3 Format Specification: ArcView Shapefile Format Format Information Content: MEGIS will soon make all data in the internet Data Catalog available in ESRI's ArcView shapefile format. This additional format will first be available for E911 data under the TOWNS tab. A shapefile is a simple non-topological format that stores the geometry and attribute information for a set of geographic features as a set of vector (point, line, polygon) coordinates. Shapefiles draw quickly and directly in ArcView; you can create your own data using the shapefile format; an existing ARC/INFO coverage can be converted to a shapefile; other spatial data formats can be converted to shapefiles. Three files are created for each shapefile: .shp stores the feature geometry (shape and location information); .shx stores the index of the feature geometry; .dbf a dBASE (TM) file stores the attribute information for the features. Other index files may be created to help speed analysis and query: these file formats are .sbn .sbx .ain .aix .fbn and .fbx. In addition you may find projection .prj, and metadata .xml, files associated with shapefiles. CAUTION: When you edit an existing theme or shapefile you are creating a new dataset or at least a new version of a dataset; give the dataset a new name or a version identifier to reflect your edits. Be prepared to fully document your sources and to both quantify and qualify the edits you make in order to facilitate coordination with other data sources. PLEASE NOTE: conversion to shapefile format changes some characters ( # - .) to underscores; item names over 10 characters are truncated. An effort will be made over time to consider these limitations in item names, and to eliminate the use of these characters in Maine GIS data development. It should not be assumed that a conversion from shapefile back to coverage would produce the same data file as found in the original coverage format. The results of such a conversion are greatly improved by the use of PRECISION setting DOUBLE, DOUBLE and careful management of tolerances. Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Access Instructions: Anyone with an internet browser can view and download these data from the http address Please follow instructions on the website for the internet Data Catalog. Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Access Instructions: Where file size and internet access permit, data requests can be filled via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from the ftp address Fees: Data may be downloaded from Maine GIS Data Catalog at no charge. Turnaround: Data is available for immediate download from the Maine GIS Data Catalog. Standard Order Process: Non-digital Form: map Fees: MEGIS does some custom mapping, with available Maine GIS data, as time allows. If you have a custom mapping question please call the technical support line at (207) 287-6144 and ask about an estimate for your mapping needs. Turnaround: 15 working days Available Time Period: Time Period Information: Range of Dates/Times: Beginning Date: 1/1/1997 Beginning Time: Unknown Ending Date: Present Ending Time: Unknown Distribution Information: Distributor: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: (MEGIS) Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (207) 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (207) 287-3842 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Distribution Liability: Users must assume responsibility to determine the usability of this data for their purposes. Standard Order Process: Digital Form: Digital Transfer Information: Format Name: ARCSDE Format Version Number: ArcSDE 9.x Format Information Content: Oracle 9i Digital Transfer Option: Online Option: Access Instructions: Please contact the Maine Office of GIS (MEGIS) for access instructions. Fees: Access is available through Maine's wide area network; WAN users may contact the Maine Office of Information Technology, Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems (MEGIS) for a login. Metadata Reference Information: Metadata Date: 5/25/2009 Metadata Review Date: 5/25/2010 Metadata Future Review Date: Metadata Contact: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems Contact Position: GIS Coordinator Contact Address: Address Type: mailing address Address: State House Station 145 City: Augusta State or Province: ME Postal Code: 04333-0145 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: 207 624-7700 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 207 287-4563 Hours of Service: Monday through Friday 0800 - 1700 EST Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata Metadata Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998